Сатурн Серия LED Светильники
*Дополнительная экономия энергии 5% — такой же световой поток при меньшей мощности *Гораздо меньший корпус экономит ...
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Круглый Eagle Eye Spotlight
*Anytime, Any Spot *Регулируемый угол на 360° подходит для многих сред *Направленный угол луча для идеального акцен...
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Сатурн Серия LED Светильники
*Патент на дизайн в Китае ZL 2020 3 0371152.9 *Патент на полезную модель в Китае ZL 2020 2 1441573.5 * Более проста...
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встраиваемый светодиодный панель Sunflower...
*Успех передачи технологии светодиодных ламп в светодиодные панели *Backlit LED,чтобы реализовать более высокую свет...
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This New Downlight Sold Over 450,000 PCS in 20 Days
Время выпуска:2020/12/01 НОВОСТИ Взгляды:559
20 days after the launch of Saturn LED downlight, how is it? Over 450,000 PCS sold worldwide! Beyond our expectation, Saturn as a newcomer can be accepted by the market so quickly and got so many praises. Many of them commented that they were first attracted by its unique shape and then fallen for innovative technology. As one client from Europe said, Saturn is the first downlight in the market to combine contemporary and traditional, art and technology. It marks a new level for WELLMAX R&D.
Now, all Saturn orders are in mass production and will be shipped as soon as possible. The classic downlight trend is coming. Are you ready?
- WELLMAX’s Sunflower Downlight, the T...
- Top Choice on Exhibitions! The Sunflower D...
- Partner with WELLMAX for A Brighter Future!
- Time Countdown! The Last Few Days to Get t...
- Ballet Series LED Downlight — Elegant “Pri...
- LED Spot Downlight With Dimmable Solution ...
- Do Not Miss! Come to Meet Us at the 126th ...
- Limited Promotion for HIGH LUMEN LED downl...