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148% Metal Power! The Best Metal Downlight For Your Shops

Время выпуска:2021/08/25 НОВОСТИ Взгляды:606

WELLMAX as the LED Bulb Expert, has always been the No.1 choice for indoor lighting solutions. We proudly recommend to you our NEW downlight series: WeMet – giving you 148% brighter lighting effect! This FULL METAL POWER DOWNLIGHT that's built with the best SAMSUNG LED Chips inside, and our QC makes sure every WeMet has four corrosion-resistant processes, so it is rust-resistant even after a long time of use. As the LED Bulb Expert, we guarantee you quality and durability.
Contact us now to learn about WeMet series Downlight via info@wellmaxgroup.com
WeMet series Downlight.jpg

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